Saturday, April 28, 2012

Use Images To Inspire Writing

There's probably no end to the number of ideas  you can inspire in your students by using signs as writing prompts, or triggers.
     For example, you can ask your students to respond to specific words found in signs similar to the two shown here.
     Ask your students what comes to mind when they think of the words caution, gates, walk, weapons, concealed, and/or prohibited. Then encourage your budding authors to use the ideas they generated as a basis for written compositions.
     Another interesting activity would be to combine several words to form  sentences that would serve as the opening lines of  written compositions. Students will enjoy writing conclusions to sentences like  "I knew that if I were to walk under the gates, I'd regret doing so. Even so, I..." or "Although he was carrying concealed weapons, John thought that he could get past the security point, but..."
        Of course, you can always download the images shown here to use in your classroom, but you can also ask the students to create their own images.
       In today's society almost everyone  has the ability to capture digital images of every description. Your students are no exception. And the best part is that they  can easily share these images with their peers, either in the classroom or on Facebook.
       Finally, if you've used photos to inspire writing, and if you'd like to share your ideas with others, I'd love to hear from you.

      Published by Cottonwood Press in 2009, Write What You See: 99 Photos To Inspire Writing by Hank Kellner is now marketed by Prufrock Press. Please visit now to order this fine book. This thought-provoking collection contains photographs and a wide variety of inventive writing prompts to motivate students.
     Written by a veteran of the Korean War and retired educator who has served as an English Department supervisor and adjunct associate professor of English at the community college level, Write What you See includes a CD-Rom and a special section telling how teachers nationwide use photos to inspire writing. 118 pages, 8 1/2 X 11, Softbound, ISBN 978-1-877673-83-2, Grades 7-12, $24.95

Copyright 2012 by Hank Kellner